365 Days of Peace: The Case for Non-Stop Flea and Tick Protection for Pets

Peace of mind is something truly invaluable, which is why we choose to invest in services like insurance, home security systems, and credit monitoring. When you think of a pet’s parasite prevention, the same ethos applies. You spend time and money upfront, but the savings are enormous when compared to the cost of correction or treatment. Flea and tick prevention is key every single day, no matter the season.
Why 365 Days?
Our warm climate creates suitable conditions for parasites all year long. In contrast with people and pets living through long, frigid winters, we enjoy the comforts of sunshine and warmth no matter the season.
Fleas not only exist in our favorable conditions, they thrive. All it takes is for one single flea to hitch a ride into your home via your pet’s fur or a human’s pant leg, and before you know it, a huge flea infestation takes over. Flea eggs fall onto the carpet, bedding, or upholstery. When they hatch, your pet is the primary focus. One single female flea can drop 30-50 eggs a day!
Fleas can trigger a full-blown allergic reaction known as flea allergy dermatitis. Intense itching and scratching can also cause secondary skin infections. Fleas must be eradicated from the home, pets must be treated, and follow ups may be necessary for their health. In other words, preventing fleas is far better than having to treat the problems they inevitably bring.
The Deal With Ticks
Ticks are incredibly hardy, and do not slow down after the height of summer feeding. They lie in wait for their prey to walk by. If they’re able to latch on for at least 36 hours, any disease they might be carrying is likely to be transmitted to the host. Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are among the tick-borne illnesses easily prevented via year-round flea and tick control.
Other Pet Parasites
Heartworms are spread by mosquitoes and wreak havoc on a pet’s health. There is no current treatment for cats. For infected dogs, treatment can be complicated and costly.
Before a pet can receive a preventive medication for heartworm, they must be tested to ensure they aren’t infected. The rapid die-off of internal worms can lead to shock or other dangerous health conditions.
There are many different preventive medications designed to target individual parasites or a combination of fleas, ticks, heartworms, and other parasites like hookworms, whipworms, and roundworms. We work closely with pet owners to determine the best course of action and tailor the approach for each individual animal.
Continuous Defense
Our dedicated team members at Cherry Creek Veterinary Hospital know first hand how difficult and expensive it can be to treat health conditions associated with parasites, and want to save our patients and clients from ever experiencing this hardship. Please give us a call at 916-349-2755 with any questions or concerns.